Pro Tools Specifications | Media Composer Specifications | Sibelius Specifications In the meantime, we recommend that you continue to use previously qualified operating systems until further notice. (For the latest information on macOS Catalina support, please visit this knowledge base article). Please subscribe to this article or visit your product's specifications page regularly for information on the current operating system requirements. For Avid products that run on the Mac, Avid has been working to support macOS Big Sur and the new M1-powered Macs.
Many Avid products run on Macs, including Pro Tools, Media Composer, and Sibelius.
Products Affected : Media Composer, Pro Tools, Sibelius, Avid NEXIS, Media Composer First, Media Composer Ultimate, Pro Tools First, Pro Tools Ultimate, Sibelius First, Sibelius Ultimate, Media Composer Enterprise Information on Apple M1 systems and macOS 11 (Big Sur) support with Avid software and hardware products
MacOS 11 (Big Sur) and M1 Support for Avid Products